2024 RCAS Summer Internship Program Results Presentation

The Summer Internship Program for this year has successfully concluded. On August 27th, RCAS held a closing ceremony where participants showcased their two months of research through poster presentations and 1-minute Flash Talk. We were honored to have judges from various universities who selected the top three outstanding works and three honorable mentions from the Bioengineering Group and the Quantum Photonics Group. We sincerely thank everyone for their support and participation, and we extend our congratulations to all the award-winning students for their outstanding efforts and achievements.

Winners List
Intelligence Bioengineering
  • 金牌:黃宥筑
    A Detailed Protocol for Cell Migration Analysis Using Micropillar Arrays
  • 銀牌:蔡曜恩
    Regulatory Role of NPY Y1 Receptor on Axonal Growth under Red Light and Pulsed Electrical Signal Stimulation
  • 銅牌:陳采言
    The integrated and portable V8.chip for future coral culture

  • 佳作:陳恩淇
    Development of Neuronal-targeted Nanoparticle
  • 佳作:施樂怡
    Microfluidic Temperature Measurement with Fluorescence Thermometry
  • 佳作:蘇盈聿
    Synthesis of ZnS Nanoparticles Transformed from Cu2O to Intermediate formation of Cu2S and Multiple Characterization
Green Energy & Quantum Photonics
  • 金牌:林佳妤
    Effect of van der Waals contact interfaces on the electroluminescence performance of TMDCs EL device
  • 銀牌:粘蕎
    Synthesis of PbSe Quantum Dots and Exploring the Impact of Ligand Exchange
  • 銅牌:黃宥瑄
    CO2 Adsorption on ZrN Surface

  • 佳作:楊珽盛
    Classical/Quantum Machine Learning for Energy Prediction of Molecular Structures
    Using Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) Descriptors
  • 佳作:吳程澤
    Optical Characterization of Quasi 2D Perovskite
  • 佳作:楊承穎
    Lasing Characteristics From Archimedean Shape Cavity
Event Photos

※Photography by 陳鶴文

Group Photo(1)
Group Photo(2)
Event Site(1)
Event Site(2)
Event Site(3)
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Event Site(5)
Event Site(6)
Awards: Gold Medal in Intelligence Bioengineering
Awards: Gold Medal in Green Energy & Quantum Photonics