
Assistant Research Fellow,
Associate Research Fellow,
Research Fellow,
and Distinguished Research Fellow
Last Update Date:November 30, 2023
Job Description
Candidates should be able to establish/ lead independent research programs and teams and perform interdisciplinary research collaborations worldwide.
Moreover, candidates should possess the ability to conduct research related to the following projects, which are current focuses of our center.
Green Energy Technologies

This thematic center is a multidisciplinary research center that explores nanosciences and nanotechnologies at the interface of emerging materials, smart structures, physics and engineering to benefit energy and environmental issues.

The research areas of interest:

  1. Optical nanostructures and advanced materials for photovoltaics and water splitting devices
  2. Solid state and organic lighting
  3. Advanced micro/nano optical devices
Intelligence Bioengineering

The objective of this thematic center is to combine functional sensing and imaging technologies with microenvironment manipulation platforms to achieve breakthroughs in basic research on bio & medical applications, and also to be focused on the investigations with potential clinical or biotech-industrial values.

The research areas of interest:

  1. Cell engineering
  2. AI-based sensing and imaging
  3. Wearable or implantable device
Quantum Photonics

The objective of this thematic center is to develop new device concepts to boost the performances of Single photon emitters and Single photon detectors for quantum photonics applications, exploring the critical fundamental mechanisms in light-matter interactions to enable new quantum state processing, and advancing the boundaries to practical applications via refinement of emergent material growths.

The research areas of interest:

  1. Single photon emitters, detectors and photonic chips for quantum information applications
  2. Quantum entanglement state
  3. Topological photonic systems
Application Instructions
Please send your resume, which should include the following information, to the secretary Almee Li (
  • A list of publications in full length
  • A statement of research interests within 3 pages
  • Three reference letters
Additional Information
  • The offer, upon effective, is given for a five-year basis and is subject to termination or extension depending on the performance demonstrated by the candidate.
  • This job is based in Taipei or Tainan.
  • Research funds and conditional travel support may be provided but not guaranteed.