Reservation for facility usage


    Reservation Rules

  • All instrument usage requires prior reservation.
  • Cancellations must be made before the reserved time. For XPS and ToF-SIMS, which require longer preparation and operation times, reservations must be canceled three days in advance.
  • If the reserved time is exceeded by 15 minutes without usage, other users may utilize the instrument with permission from the facility manager, and the original reservation holder is still liable for the instrument usage fee.
  • Unauthorized use of instruments or failure to cancel reservations as specified results in a one-month suspension and notification to the advisor. Three violations of this rule lead to permanent suspension.
  • The facility manager reserves the right to flexibly adjust reservation arrangements based on actual needs.

    General Management Rules

  • Users have to have a valid account in the "Principal Investigator Budget Management System" of Academia Sinica. The usage fee will be deducted through the transfer mechanism in each April, July, and October. If the usage fee is not paid in full, the access privilege will be suspended. In this case, administrators can require the used to pre-paid the same amount of pervious usage fee before reinstate the access privilege.
  • All the instruments are open to qualified users in the manner of self-service. There is no operator and no full-service available. Qualified users can train new users as needed and these new users can become qualified users after qualified by administrators. If trainings from administrators are needed, the usage fee will be doubled during the training sessions.
  • If the user did not respect rules or damage the instrument due to misusage, user has to pay for the repair in full. Furthermore, before the instrument is repaired, the user has to pay for the usage fee of all the operation session available.
  • Users from Academia Sinica, AS Nano-Project, and RCAS can receive discounts of 30%, 50%, and 70% off, respectively.
  • Toxic chemicals (as defined by EPA and regardless if it is under controlled by EPA), volatile, radio-active, explosive, and biological-active substances are prohibited. Based the requirement of each instrument, administrators can disallow additional types of samples like (include, but not limited by) magnetic, powder, etc. If these substances are used without special permission, the user and the related research group will be banned permanently.
Micro Fabrication Lab
Micro Fabrication Lab
Laboratory Contact: Ms. Chia-Chu Kuo
call 02-2787-3140
Laboratory Supervisor: Dr. Shu-Yi Hsieh
call 02-2787-3147
    ※Please feel free to add comments to the paper if you have any research results produced by using the micro fabrication equipment:

    Technical support from Micro Fabrication Lab, Research Center of Applied sciences (RCAS), Academia Sinica, is acknowledged.
    Interdisciplinary Research Building of Science and Technology B2C03
Process for Use and Application
  1. Receive and pass the experimental safety training of Academia Sinica.
  2. Download and read the introduction and usage instructions.
  3. After submitting the application form, the administrator will conduct on-site safety training.
  4. Assessment will be based on the introduction, usage guidelines, and on-site training content.
  5. Upon passing the assessment, access control permission will be granted. Those who do not pass can reapply for assessment after one month.
  6. After obtaining access control, you can apply for machine training, followed by an assessment to gain machine usage privileges.
  • Training fee NT$ 1000
  • Utilization fee NT$ 2000/half year